Newton, MA
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The application of the principles of the Alexander Technique:

Recognition of the Force of Habit

Inhibition and Non-Doing

Recognition of Faulty Sensory Awareness

Sending Direction

The Primary Control

first year

Students will focus primarily on use of the self. Hands-on work will be introduced.

second year

Students will continue to focus on the use of the self and will develop the skill of hands-on work.

third year 

Students will continue to master hands-on skills and the use of the self. The students will progress to supervised work with volunteers in the class, as well as student teaching with evaluation. Practice development, professional skills, and group presentation will be covered.


Students are encouraged to continue to develop their teaching skills after graduation and are recommended to stay for a period of time as post-graduate teachers. This invaluable hands-on experience will enrich and compliment their formal education. New teachers may join the class once a week for a year-long period. While formal job placement is not provided, students will be instructed in how to set up a successful private practice. 

Additional Required Studies

Reading – Reading Alexander’s four books and related material. Two hours per week of class time plus independent reading assignments.

Anatomy – Anatomy as it pertains to the Alexander Technique is taught throughout the program two hours and forty-five minutes per month.